Issue 11: Ted talks dogs
Hello everyone,
Hope today finds you well. Today I want to propose a question to you all.
Dogs, what are they?
I mean, I know what they are… but… what are they?
They are such strange creatures… they are so like us but not at all like us.
We are both two of our humans favourite animals. Both loving and caring - providing our owners with hours of entertainment.
However; there are just a few things that don’t make sense to me.
Like, my servant's mum has to leave them here, when she has to do a few things in the town. Or when, like they are now, traveling to get something from another town.
When this started happening, I didn’t like it at all… hang on… that sentence makes me sound like I am fine with it now. I want to state that I am not; however, let’s just say that it is a little bit easier. As long as they stay away from the door as I come out, and stay at least a meter or two away from me - then we are good.
However, I have come to the belief that we both have our pros and cons. For cats though - we seem a bit more independent. Even though I am someone who adores their servant - THERE I SAID IT! I love my servant, but I also love being independent. Is it just me - or do people who have to be at the dogs beck and call?
If anyone was going to be at the beck and call, then it better be my servants be at my beck and call.
Anyway… I may have said too much.
Moving on… at least they aren’t staying the night anymore. That is a good thing, it allows me to have most of the bed along with my sister and servant.
I will see you all next week.
Paws up,